Day 21

Summary and what's next

Congratulations on completing the Respira 21-Day Nervous System Health Course!

This final session is about solidifying your breathwork practice, integrating long-term nervous system health strategies and exploring personalisation tools to refine your approach beyond the course.

Today we will focus on:

  • Reflecting on your progress and key takeaways from the course.
  • Sustaining your breathwork practice with consistency and flexibility.

By the end of this session, you’ll feel empowered to continue your breathwork journey with confidence and adaptability.

Reading time: 7 mins

Key Lessons from the 21-Day Respira Journey

Breathwork is a Nervous System Health Tool

Over the past three weeks, you’ve learned how to use your breath as a direct tool for nervous system regulation and creating adaptabilty.

Tracking Nervous System Shifts

Nervous System Mapping and PNI awareness has helped you become more attuned to how stress manifests uniquely through your thoughts, behaviours and body.

You can now identify whether you’re in ACTIVATED - sympathetic (fight/flight), CONNECTED parasympathetic (safe/social), or SHUTDOWN dorsal vagal (freeze/fawn) states.

Breathwork Toolkit

You have learned and created a toolkit of breathwork exercises to draw on as a first-line intervention for Nervous System Health.

Short-Term Nervous System Health Cultivates Long-Term Health through Systemic Balance

You’ve learned that your ability to regulate and build Nervous System Resilience over time reduces chronic stress load and supports long-term physiological resilience, key factors in preventing stress-related diseases and promoting overall health.

Self-Assessment Tools: Tracking Your Nervous System Health

Long-term nervous system health benefits from self-awareness and tracking. Here are tools you can use to monitor your progress:

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BOLT Score (Body Oxygen Level Test)

  • Measures CO₂ tolerance and respiratory efficiency.
  • A higher score indicates improved breath control and nervous system regulation.
  • Test yourself weekly to monitor changes over time.
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Nervous System Mapping

  • Keep a breathwork journal to log stress triggers, emotional shifts, and breathwork interventions.
  • Over time, this will reveal patterns in how your nervous system responds and adapts.
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PNI Journal Log

  • Track physical signals of stress, such as digestion shifts, to identify recurring nervous system patterns.
  • Note mood fluctuations and energy levels alongside daily stressors to connect emotional states with physiological responses.
  • Use this log to correlate sleep quality, nutrition and movement with nervous system regulation, refining your wellness approach.
  • Over time, your entries will build a personalised PNI map, helping
  • you fine-tune breathwork and lifestyle adjustments for long-term resilience.

Sustaining Progress: Integrating Breathwork into Daily Life

Building a sustainable breathwork practice means finding what works for you in different life contexts.

Identify Your Core Daily Practices

  • Morning Activation: Bellows Breath or Breath of Fire for energy
  • Midday Reset: Box Breathing or Physiological Sigh for composure
  • Evening Wind-Down: 4-7-8 Breathing or Coherent Breathing for relaxation

Micro-Practices for Real-Life Application

Breathwork doesn’t need to take long, micro-practices throughout the day can create cumulative nervous system benefits.

  • 1-Minute Coherent Breathing before meetings or high-stress moments
  • Physiological Sigh when feeling overwhelmed or anxious
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing to refocus and reset between tasks
  • Humming Breath before bed for deeper sleep

Day 21 Breathwork

Your Choice of Practice

Now that you’ve explored multiple techniques, head to the library after pressing SUBMIT and select the breathwork practice that best supports your goals today. Take a moment to connect with how you are feeling and what would best suit you in this moment.

Your Breath is Always With You

This course was just the beginning. Your breath is an ever-present tool, use it to regulate, restore and enhance well-being.

Thank you for being here!

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